Stream of Education
The school follows the common syllabus introduced by the Govt. Of Tamil Nadu from I std to XII std.
Teaching System
The teaching system is geared to impart learning by doing right from the kindergarten. The school tests and examinations are development oriented. Class strength is purposely kept small to enable individual attention and to monitor every child’s progress. All these factors work to give the students a solid foundation in fundamental concepts that prepare them well for their higher studies and to a career of their choice.
- NEET coaching for Repeaters and Pupils who have already passed XII std and aspire to get admission into medicine are conducted.
- Crash course for NEET during summer vacation for those who have appeared for the XII std public examination.
- Pre foundation courses are conducted from Std VI std to IX std that enrich the students to face the Competitive exams.
- IIT Coaching for IIT- JEE and NEET (Medicine) Coaching for the XI and XII Students are given.
Courses offered in the Hr. Sec. Classes
The groups available at Higher Secondary level are
- Group I - Maths,Physics,Chemistry & Computer Science.
- Group II - Maths, Physics, Chemistry & Biology.
- Group III – Accountancy, Commerce, Economics & Computer Science / Business Maths
- To facilitate a holistic development of every child entering the Mothers Family, keeping them in line with global trends and current pedagogical patterns.
- To provide a healthy learning environment paving way for comfortable learning, with due respect to individual differences and the current and future needs.
- To promote critical and creative thinking skills, effective communication skills, interpersonal and collaborative skills and information and media skills.
- To provide value based inputs, strengthening life skills, equipping the child to face life’s challenges, solve problems, make the right decision and emerge as confident individuals with strong physical and emotional health.
- To impart quality education to meet the needs of profession and society, and achieve excellence in teaching-learning and research.
- To develop the committed human resource and provide an environment conductive to innovation, creativity, team-sprit and entrepreneurial leadership.
- Facilitate effective interactions among faculty and students, and foster networking with alumni, industries, institutions and other stakeholders.
- Practice and promote high standards of professional ethics, transparency and accountability.